El Buen Samaritano

La Asociación El Buen Samaritano - About Us

© El Buen Samaritano 2021. All rights reserved.

Who We Are

«You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself.» Luke 10:27

The association for the rehabilitation of drug addicts and their integral reinsertion into society, ‘El Buen Samaritano’ (The Good Samaritan) was legally constituted as an evangelic charitable-social non-profit entity in 1993. We are registered under number 2485 in the first section of the Register of Associations of the Government of Andalusia and under number 592913 in the first section of the National Registry of Associations.The Board of Directors is composed of: Francisco Arjona Godoy (President), Roland Weinmann (Vice-President), Jesús Gómez Carrillo (Secretary), Ismael García Garrido (Treasurer), Nora Inés Vivas Carmona (Spokesperson) y Manuel Fernández Cecilia (Spokesperson). The purpose of the association is to prevent the consumption of drugs, provide assistance to those affected by drug addiction, guide their family environment and facilitate their integral reintegration into society. Presently, the association has 70 members, 25 volunteers, and two paid employees. It has been part of the Madinat Provincial Federation since the year 2000, and has belonged to the Enlace Andalusian Federation since 1998. At the local level, in Pozoblanco, it forms part of the anti- addiction platform, "La Unión hace la vida" nd is one of several social assistance agencies. We are members of Diaconía. There are four clear aspects of the therapeutic programme offered by the association; prevention, social intervention, rehabilitation and reintegration into society. This requires a multidisciplinary team consisting of a psychologist, general practitioner, social worker, technician in ecological agriculture, monitors and admin staff helped by volunteers, A care centre, An office in Pozoblanco as well as connected offices across Spain. Throughout their reintegration into society we work with the patient concerning work, family and at a psychological and emotional level. Depending on where the person comes from, we try to link them to the reintegration programmes offered in their local community. In Andalusia we collaborate with the ‘Arquímedes’ programme.


Our rehabilitation centre is located in the district

of Alcaracejos.

The current property was acquired in 1994. Little by little the facilities have grown and been adapted to improve the service offered to the residents. The property spans 8 hectares. Watch the video below to find out more about our history.
OTHER WORK In addition to helping drug addicts, we help in other areas to meet peoples needs, not directly linked to drugs.


We offer personalized psychological attention to people with specific difficulties, to married couples, family members, and others. These therapies are imparted by two psychologists based in Pozoblanco.



POZOBLANCO: Since 2009, a platform of social intervention has been responsible for coordinating aid to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged families through approaches from different perspectives and situations. The platform is made up of the city council, community social services, the regional hospital and 4 social entities (Cáritas, Cruz Roja, San Vicente de Paul and El Buen Samaritano). The city council provides these entities with an annual budget to allow direct intervention with those affected. Our aid programme is called ‘Dorcas’ and consists of delivering food and hygiene and children’s products once a month. For this we receive food from the Food Bank of Córdoba. We also help recipients with the payment of receipts in cases of late payment as well as the purchase of medicine and glasses etc. We also give clothes to those in need through our used clothes closet. Read more... CABRA: in collaboration with the Municipal Board of Social Welfare of Cabra, the evangelical church serves disadvantaged families through the delivery of food and carrying out integration activities. This assistance is made possible thanks to the help of the Board as well as food from the European Fund and the Food Bank Medina Azahara de Córdoba. ALCORA - CASTELLÓN: in this province, food products are distributed. In addition, a mini- credit programme has been started thanks to funds from the ECM-Netherlands to help in basic situations. MANZANARES (Ciudad Real): Through the evangelical church in Manzanares we are able to help 80 families every two weeks.


All throughout the year, we give addiction- prevention talks in elementary and secondary schools, and anywhere else it is requested. We also organize and hold Drug Prevention Seminars in the month of October.
El Buen Samaritano
© El Buen Samaritano 2021. All rights reserved.

Who We Are

«You shall love the Lord your God with all

your heart and your neighbour as

yourself.» Luke 10:27

The association for the rehabilitation of drug addicts and their integral reinsertion into society, ‘El Buen Samaritano’ (The Good Samaritan) was legally constituted as an evangelic charitable-social non-profit entity in 1993. We are registered under number 2485 in the first section of the Register of Associations of the Government of Andalusia and under number 592913 in the first section of the National Registry of Associations.The Board of Directors is composed of: Francisco Arjona Godoy (President), Roland Weinmann (Vice-President), Jesús Gómez Carrillo (Secretary), Ismael García Garrido (Treasurer), Nora Inés Vivas Carmona (Spokesperson) y Manuel Fernández Cecilia (Spokesperson). The purpose of the association is to prevent the consumption of drugs, provide assistance to those affected by drug addiction, guide their family environment and facilitate their integral reintegration into society. Presently, the association has 70 members, 25 volunteers, and two paid employees. It has been part of the Madinat Provincial Federation since the year 2000, and has belonged to the Enlace Andalusian Federation since 1998. At the local level, in Pozoblanco, it forms part of the anti- addiction platform, "La Unión hace la vida" nd is one of several social assistance agencies. We are members of Diaconía. There are four clear aspects of the therapeutic programme offered by the association; prevention, social intervention, rehabilitation and reintegration into society. This requires a multidisciplinary team consisting of a psychologist, general practitioner, social worker, technician in ecological agriculture, monitors and admin staff helped by volunteers, A care centre, An office in Pozoblanco as well as connected offices across Spain. Throughout their reintegration into society we work with the patient concerning work, family and at a psychological and emotional level. Depending on where the person comes from, we try to link them to the reintegration programmes offered in their local community. In Andalusia we collaborate with the ‘Arquímedes’ programme.


Our rehabilitation centre is located in the district

of Alcaracejos.

The current property was acquired in 1994. Little by little the facilities have grown and been adapted to improve the service offered to the residents. The property spans 8 hectares. Watch the video below to find out more about our history.